
Monday, May 13, 2013

Back on the straight and narrow (revised with short story added)

My Fitness Pal says: 1,165 calories total for today. It may not be perfect, but it'll  be better than the weekend.  Here goes:  (the usual breakfast, and then something different for lunch.)

One quesadilla, four cabbage mini-egg rolls (ate one before remembering to photograph), green beans

And now I have a short story for you:

  • Someone in our household caught a cold/sore throat and then after a number of miserable days, began to feel better.
  • Then someone else in our household caught the cold/sore throat and then after a number of miserable days, began to feel better.
  • Then someone else in our household caught the cold/sore throat and then after a number of miserable days, began to feel better.
  • Then someone else in our household caught the cold/sore throat.

Guess who the last mentioned person is?

I feel some weight loss coming on, because I don't feel like eating a darned-tootin' thing.

Here are the rest of the miserably-consumed eats for the day, though. One ounce of peanuts, and 1/2 serving of oatmeal. Why only 1/2? It bubbled over in the microwave and I cleaned up the excess, but didn't care enough to make more. I'm adding in a piece of toast, (stock photo stolen from internet) because that's about all I'm going to get in tonight (if I even eat that) and I'll erase it tomorrow if I don't. 1,165 calories for the day, assuming toast is included. Goodnight!

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