
Saturday, May 18, 2013

Saturday, and still eating

My Fitness Pal says: 2,257 big calories for the day.

I don't want to fall behind,so let me describe it before I post pics later.  Coffee and oatmeal, and later one (um-humh, clearing throat, it was a... never mind.)  Then 1/2 oz. of peanuts.  More coffee (but I only list that once).  Oh yes, and one piece of leftover Pizza Hut pizza.  Rectangular slice; not many calories in those thangs.

Uh oh, we are going to Chipotle.  Pics and calorie counts to follow.  Get this:  Chipotle has a calorie calculator on their website, and what I ate was 1,237 calories.  Actually, it was more, but I subtracted 15% due to leaving probably 1/4 of the burrito behind (it was mostly tortilla and sour cream that I could not eat) and giving some of the tortilla chips to someone else.

Here's a pic of Chipotle food, although I grabbed it from the website:

Here are the other above-mentioned things I ate:

My Fitness Pal says: 2,257 calories for the day.


  1. Ah! I made homemade pizza loaded with veggies and a little bit of cheese for dinner. I had two little slices (pics will follow once I get my phone back from my kid who has stolen it).

    I love Chipotle. I do the bowl with no rice or cheese or sour cream. I just get the beans and the veggies and the salsa w/ a little bit of guacamole. Aaaaand...then I'm really hungry about thirty minutes later. Hahaha!

    1. I was farting gently for TWO DAYS after our last meal at Chipotle ! Next time I'll get the rice but no beans, thanks!

    2. Crap! My reply was just lost in cyberspace so that must mean I need to tone it down ;-)
      So I'll just say that I'll pass on the beans, please.

    3. It worried me when I saw yr title : "Still Eating" - did I need to rush in and tell ya to QUIT?!?!?!?
      Come help us w/the hay hauling - it's 10:40 now, I'm hungry & exhausted, too much trouble to eat anything beyond a Kind bar, then I'm going to BED!
      I'll post today's food tomorrow AM, but I should have burned most of it up in the hay barn!!!


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