
Sunday, May 19, 2013

Caught up with documentation

My Fitness Pal says 1,510 calories for the day.

No more falling behind; nothing is more of a drag than having to find pics of the debauchery from the day before, then calculate all the calories in another program, then report on all of this in a blog post.  All for calories consumed yesterday.  That are long gone, with only a headache to remind you about them.

So here is today, up-to-the-minute:

x2. I was not feeling well and got hungry later

730 calories so far today. Let's move on now that I'm back. Eating some more (and not in an exemplary fashion, but it is what it is):

2 servings
2 bars in each pkg which is 1 serving
2 bars in each pkg which is 1 serving

Oops, couldn't stop eating. Ate one more thing:

My Fitness Pal says 1,510 calories for the day.

1 comment:

  1. I was at loose ends last night, so went ahead & logged Sun "on schedule"...Down another lb on clinic scales, that's the only bright spot from my weekend!


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